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The Columbia, Maryland Chapter of JACK & JILL OF AMERICA, INC. is proud to offer a wide range of workshops and interactive activities for our Beaux and their families. We believe that creating a supportive and dynamic experience is crucial to helping young men develop confidence and leadership skills. Our workshops and activities are designed to be interactive and engaging, challenging Beaux to think critically and work collaboratively. We invite families to participate in some of the events in order to foster a sense of community and shared experiences.

Father/Son Kickoff

One of our signature events is our

Beautillion Father/Son Kickoff. This event marks the ceremonial launch of the Beautillion program year and fosters a rite of passage for our Beaus and their fathers or father figures. This powerful initiative, led by the Beau Fathers, not only instills values of honor and responsibility in our young men but also strengthens relationships between fathers and sons. By the end of this ceremony, our Beaux understand that they are officially a part of the Beautillion class.


"Mingle with the Moms"
The Official Beautillion Mothers' Welcome

"Mingle with Moms" is our

Beautillion Mothers' official welcoming activity, hosted by the Columbia, Maryland Chapter of JACK & JILL OF AMERICA, INC.. This is the perfect opportunity for Mothers to get to know one another. The Beau Moms are officially introduced to the Beautillion committee members and get the  answers any questions they may have. Our Beau Mothers get to enjoy a delicious brunch while listening to all of the important Beautillion information.


Golfing with the Beaux

The Columbia, Maryland Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. is dedicated to providing our Beaux with the resources they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives. With the assistance of our Beaux Dads, we had a fantastic golfing excursion where our Beaux learned the fundamentals of golf.  Our Golfing with the Beaux activity is just one way we help our young men develop into future leaders. 

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